23 de Fevereiro de 2018
UnBeatables, the LARA team at Robocup2014, is back home with a prize for SPL drop-in-only category! They also got the 15th place at the drop-in general ranking that includes all SPL teams.
It was a great achievement for the group that has participated for the first time at the competition.
10 de Novembro de 2017
The Mini-VANT Project, funded by Finep, is a partnership between the University of Brasilia (UnB), the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), and the XMobots, a Brazilian company that develops unmanned aerial vehicles - UAVs (named VANTs in Portuguese). The primary goal of the project is to develop a small-sized UAV to be hand launched, and safely recovered, that is, in a non-destructive manner. The expected range of the UAV is 20 km.